Snapshot Beta

Snapshot quick start

  1. Open snapshot Sign up page
  2. Enter your email and create a password at least 6 characters long.
  3. Tap the sign up button
  4. Snapshot will email you a link to verify your email address. Click the link in the email to create your snapshot account.
  5. Tap the 'Continue' button at the bottom of the Snapshot verify email page.
  6. Tap the 'Open snapshot' button

Use the Snapshot browser extension to save enhanced web bookmarks, images, articles, screenshots and highlights.

Install snapshot browser extension from the Chrome store
(for Chrome, Edge, Brave, Arc and other Chromium based browsers)

Safari extension for iOS, iPadOS and MacOS Safari coming soon.

How to save snapshots with the browser extension

To save snapshots install the browser extension and then sign in to the browser extension (Right click anywhere on a web page → Snapshot → Login).

To view your snapshots Sign in to the snapshot web app.

Snapshot can be installed as a web app on any device. After install, snapshot app will appear in your device menu, dock or home screen.

Tip: Install snapshot as a web app for the best experience on mobile and tablet devices.

Open snapshot in your web browser and then install as per the browser install guides below.

Install snapshot web app from Chrome, Edge, Brave or Arc browser

  1. Tap the install icon in the browser address bar or tap the "Install snapshot" button inside snapshot.
  2. In the confirm overlay tap the "Install" button.
  3. After install, tap the snapshot icon in your device dock or start menu to open snapshot app. To pin snapshot app in your dock or start menu - Right click on the snapshot app icon → Pin.

Install snapshot web app from Mac Safari browser (requires MacOS Sonoma)

  1. Safari browser menu bar → File → Add to Dock.
  2. After install, tap the snapshot icon in the Dock to open snapshot app.
  3. Pin snapshot app in your dock - Right click app icon → Pin.

Install snapshot web app on iOS or iPadOS

  1. Tap the Safari browser's share icon to display share sheet.
  2. Scroll down and tap "Add to homescreen".
  3. A Snapshot app icon will be added to your device home screen.

Snapshot app is now installed and can be launched from the icon on your home screen If the snapshot app icon is not displayed on your main home screen, swipe from your home screen to other home screen pages to find the snapshot app icon. After opening snapshot app, close the snapshot web page in the Safari browser.

Install snapshot on Android

Install snapshot from Chrome browser to save content to Snapshot using the Android share menu.
  1. Ensure chrome is logged in to your Google account before installing snapshot - Chrome uses the Google play store to generate a Snapshot app bundle that integrates with the Android share button. Snapshot does not share any information with Google, nor does Google share any of your account information with Snapshot.
  2. Tap the "Install Snapshot" button displayed inside snapshot.
    Snapshot install button can be found in the snapshot app menu .
  3. Snapshot app will be added to your device home screen and applications menu.

Don't see a snapshot app icon on your home screen? - There might be a short wait while the app installs.
- Try swiping through your android home screens as the snapshot app icon might not be on your main home screen.
- Try closing all snapshot pages open in Chrome.

Enable offline storage

After installing Snapshot, enable persistent storage to ensure that your snapshot data is not removed by the browser and will be available offline.

To enable persistent storage

  1. Open snapshot menu
  2. In the settings menu tap the "Enable persistent storage" button
  3. Persistent storage is now enabled

Tip: If the video is playing low quality, adjust video quality by tapping the video player settings icon.

How to save snapshots

Install snapshot browser extension  from the Chrome store.

Install snapshot web app from Chrome browser
  1. Open snapshot in chrome browser
  2. Ensure your Android device is logged in to your Google account so that Chrome can use the Google play store to install snapshot.
  3. Tap the Install Snapshot button displayed inside snapshot.
  4. A snapshot app icon will be added to your android homescreen.
    No snapshot app icon on your home screen?
    - There might be a short wait while the app installs.
    - Try swiping through your android home screens as the snapshot app icon might not be on your main home screen.
    - Try closing all snapshot pages open in Chrome.

To save a web page bookmark or article

  1. In the Android chrome browser, tap the three dots to right of the address bar to open the Chrome browser menu.
  2. Tap "Share"
  3. In the share sheet tap the snapshot icon (you might need to scroll or press the more button to see the snapshot icon).
  4. Snapshot app will open and display a "saving snapshot" screen.
  5. After saving, you can optionally add notes or tags to the saved snapshot bookmark using the buttons at the bottom of the snapshot save screen.

To save a web page highlight

  1. Select text on the web page
  2. Long press on the selection to display the Android selection menu
  3. In the android menu tap "Share"
  4. The Android device share sheet will open
  5. In the share sheet tap the snapshot icon (you might need to scroll or press the more button to see the snapshot icon).
  6. Snapshot app will open and display a "saving snapshot" screen.

To save a web page image

  1. Long press on the image to display the Android image menu
  2. In the android image menu tap "Share"
  3. In the share sheet tap the snapshot icon (you might need to scroll or press the more button to see the snapshot icon).
  4. Snapshot app will open and display a "saving snapshot" screen.
  5. After saving, you can optionally add notes or tags to the saved snapshot bookmark using the buttons at the bottom of the snaphot app screen. Tip: Type the name of the website the image was saved from as a tag or note, or paste web page url in the notes box (unfortunately Android does not provide the web page name or url when saving a web page image).

To save a screenshot or photo

  1. Take a screenshot or open a photo
  2. Tap the android "Share" button.
  3. In the share sheet tap the snapshot icon (you might need to scroll or press the more button to see the snapshot icon).
  4. Snapshot app will open and display a "saving snapshot" screen.
  5. After saving, you can optionally add notes or tags to the saved screenshot using the buttons at the bottom of the snapsot app screen.

Don't see Snapshot icon in the Android share menu?

  1. Try pressing the share menu more button to display more apps
  2. To appear in the Android share sheet, snapshot must be installed from Chrome browser and you need to be logged in to your Google account before installing snapshot. Learn more in the Install snapshot on Android section.

How to use the snapshot web app

Search snapshots by typing a website name, a tag, a word or phrase you remember from an article, highlight, note, title, description or image.

Press enter and continue typing to further refine your search.

To search for a specific word, type a space at the end of the word.
For example, typing Product will match Product, Productivity and Production.
To search specifically for the word Product type product then space.

To search only tags, type the tag name prefixed with a # e.g. #MyTag

Shortcut: Type T followed by a space for a # tag symbol

Search for snaphots saved from a particular website using website name and domain tags added by snapshot. For example, type#instagram or #instagram.comto display only snapshots saved from instagram.

Press esc key to clear the search box. Press esc key twice to reset search.

To exclude websites from search results type a minus symbol followed by the website name or domain e.g. -twitter will exclude any snapshots saved from twitter.

Shortcut: Type M followed by a space for a minus "-" symbol

Type these special shortcuts to exclude a category of snapshots:

-p Exclude pinned snapshots
-n Exclude note cards
-a Exclude articles
-h Exclude highlights

Save frequently used search filters as a saved search.

Saved searches are displayed in the filters panel, tap on a saved search to run it.

  1. Type a search keyword in the "Search snapshots..." search box and press enter, and/or select search filters from the Search filters panel.
  2. Tap the "Save" button that is displayed alongside or under the search box.
  3. In the save search panel, enter a name for your search and then tap "Save".

Run a saved search

  1. Open filters and saved searches panel - Tap the search filters icon displayed to the left of the search box or at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Scroll down to the "Saved searches" section (you might need to tap on the heading to expand the section)
  3. Tap on the saved search name that you want to apply.
  4. Snapshot will apply and run the saved search filters.

Delete a saved search

  1. Open filters and saved searches panel - Tap the search filters icon displayed to the left of the search box or at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Hold down shift key and click on the saved search to display a delete button (bin/trash icon).
    On touch screen devices, swipe left on the saved search to display the delete search button.
  3. Tap on the delete button to remove the saved search or tap anywhere to the left of the delete button to cancel.

Add tags to a single snapshot

  1. Tap on a snapshot card/image to open snapshot details
  2. Scroll down the snapshot detail view and tap the "Add tags" button.
  3. Use the input box at the top of the add tags panel to search existing your tags or to add a new tag.
  4. To add a new tag - Type the tag name and press enter (or add button).
    To add an existing tag - Tap on the tag name to select (or deselect) it.
  5. After adding or selecting the tags you want to add to the snapshot, press the "Save" button
  6. Your added tags will appear as green tags in the Card's list of tags.
  7. Tap the "Save" button to save the snapshot.

keyboard shortcuts:

T Open the Tags panel

esc Cancel the Tags panel

+S or Ctrl+S Save snapshot changes

Add tags to a selection of snapshots using select mode

  1. Tap on the select mode button
    The select button is in the bottom menu bar on smaller and split screen and in the header search bar on larger screens.
  2. Tap to select the snapshot cards you want to tag (tap the card again to deselect) and then tap the "Add tags" button.
  3. In the Add tags panel, tap on an existing tag to select the tag (tap again to undo), In the tags box type any new tags you want to add and press enter (or &quaot;add&quaot; button).
    When done tap the "Add tags to selected snapshots" button

Tags will now be added to your selected snapshots. Any new tags you have added will be available immediately in the filters panel and will appear in the tags panel for quick selection.

Use the "Cancel" button or esc key to cancel select mode or to cancel the add tags panel.

Pinned snapshots will be displayed first at the top of your snapshot cards.

  1. Tap on a snapshot card/image to open snapshot details.
  2. Tap the more menu (3 dots top right corner).
  3. Tap "Pin snapshot"

How to remove a pinned snapshot

To remove a pin from a snapshot.

  1. Tap on a snapshot card/image to open snapshot details
  2. Tap the more menu (3 dots top right corner)
  3. Tap "Remove pin"

Move a pinned snapshot to top

To move an already pinned snapshot to the top of your pinned snapshot cards:

  1. Tap on a snapshot card/image to open snapshot details
  2. Tap the more menu (3 dots top right corner)
  3. Tap "Remove pin"
  4. Tap the more menu again
  5. Tap "Pin snapshot"

The most recent pinned snapshot is always displayed first. By removing and re-adding the pin, the snapshot becomes the most recently pinned snapshot and is moved to the top of the pinned snapshot cards.

  1. Tap on a snapshot card/image to open snapshot details.
  2. Tap on a tag to remove it (tap again to undo) or add tags using the Add button. Edit other snapshot details (for example title or description) or add notes.
  3. Tap the "Save" button (top right).

Keyboard shortcuts

Save snapshot changes +S or Ctrl+S

Cancel changes +esc or Ctrl+esc

Delete a single snapshot in snapshot details view or delete a selection of snapshots (bulk delete) using select mode.

How to delete a single snapshot

  1. Tap on a snapshot card/image to open snapshot details
  2. Tap the more menu (3 dots top right corner)
  3. Tap "Delete"

How to delete a selection of snapshots using select mode

  1. Tap on the select mode button
    Button is in the bottom menu bar on smaller screens or split view and in the search bar on larger screens.
  2. Tap to select the snapshot cards you want to delete (tap card again to deselect) and then tap the "Delete" button.
    Alternatively, press the "Cancel" button or esc key to exit select mode.

Deleted snapshots are kept for 7 days before permanent deletion.
To view or restore deleted snapshots:

  1. Open the filters panel and in the Content Type section select "Deleted"
    or Type #Deleted in the search box.
  2. Tap on the deleted snapshot card to open card details
  3. Tap the "Restore" button

Use the share button to share snapshot data with other apps.

Share a snapshot card

  1. Tap on a snapshot card/image to open snapshot details
  2. Tap the more button (3 dots top right)
  3. Tap Share

Note: Not all devices support share functionality. The share button is currently displayed on iOS devices, Android devices and in the Microsoft Edge browser.

Notes can be added to individual snapshots or you can capture thoughts and ideas quickly using snapshot's note editor.

Add notes to a snapshot

  1. Tap on a snapshot card/image to open snapshot details.
  2. Scroll down to the notes text box. Enter a note and then press the "Save" button (top right).

Create a note card

Tap on the create note button

  1. Open snapshot menu button (top right in larger screens, bottom left on small screens)
  2. Scroll down to the "Export" section
  3. Tap on a button to export your data as a csv file, bookmarks file or download your snapshot images

CSV - Download your snaphots data as a csv file. This file can be imported into software like Excel, Google sheets, Notion and Airtable.

Bookmarks - Download your snapshot links as a bookmarks html file. This file can be viewed in your browser or imported into your browser bookmarks.

Images - Download all snapshot images to your Downloads folder. This can take some time for large snapshot collections.

Managing your snapshot account

  1. Open snapshot app login
  2. Tap "Forgot password?" (at the bottom of the page).
  3. Enter your email address that you used for your snapshot account.
  4. Tap the "Send email" button.
  5. Use the link in the email from snapshot to reset your password. The password reset email from snapshot might be delivered to your email junk folder.

To change your password, use the same process as reseting a forgotten password.

  1. If you are currently logged in to snapshot web app, logout of the app. The logout button can be found at the bottom of the app menu .
  2. Open snapshot app login
  3. Tap "Forgot password?" (at the bottom of the page).
  4. Enter your email address that you used for your snapshot account.
  5. Tap the "Send email" button.
  6. Use the link in the email from snapshot to reset your password. The password reset email from snapshot might be delivered to your email junk folder.

Coming soon...

Before deleting your account export any snapshot data or images you would like to keep.

Steps to do delete your account

  1. Open the app menu
  2. Scroll down and tap the "Delete account" button.
  3. A delete account panel will open.
    Enter your snapshot email and password and tap "Continue" button.
  4. Type "delete" in the confirm delete box.
  5. After typing delete a "Delete snapshot account" button will be displayed.
  6. Tap on the "Delete account" button to delete your snapshot account and all your snapshots data.

    You need to delete your account within a few minutes of entering your email and password (otherwise you will need to restart the delete account process).
  7. After account deletion you will be redirected to an account deleted confirmation page.

Known issues and workarounds

Issue When adding a note, note formatting buttons may not displayed above the android keyboard. Workaround: Tapping on the note will display the formatting buttons.

Issue: After the android keyboard closes, note formatting buttons remain in middle of screen. Workaround: Tap anywhere on screen and formatting buttons will hide.

Reason: This issue seems to be related to Chrome/Android not performing a screen re-paint after Android displays or hides the onscreen keyboard. Considering if a different implementation can work aroun this issue. Unfortunately think will need to wait for Android/Chrome to fix this as appears to be an Android/Chrome bug.
Aesthetic issue: After installing snapshot web app, a black bar displays along top of screen behind camera/notch instead of displaying snapshot at fullscreen height.
No workaround :( Unfortunately this is a recent Chrome bug and need to wait for the Chrome team to fix it. This PWA fullscreen app feature has previously worked fine for years. This bug was introduced in a Chrome release around April 2024 (and might occur only on some Pixel devices?).